Close up of woman getting needle injection in lips - Lip Fillers

Introduction to Lip Fillers

Lips are a favorite for millions of patients who look for enhancement. They are a focal point of beauty, express emotion, and convey youthfulness when they are full and shapely. At Ravive Plastic Surgery, we love lips!  Have you been thinking about enhancing your lips with Lip Filler? If so, look no further than Dr. Deepa Bhat, the Lip specialist in Tampa, FL.

With her expertise and artistic flair, Dr. Bhat can turn your lips into a work of art. Whether you desire luscious, plump lips that rival Hollywood starlets or a subtle enhancement to accentuate your natural beauty, Dr. Bhat has the skills to create the perfect lip for you. Using advanced Lip Filler techniques and a keen eye for symmetry, she will help you attain your desired result.

What are Lip Fillers?

Lip Fillers, also known as Lip Augmentation or Lip Injections, are non-surgical cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the lips. This popular treatment involves the use of injectable Dermal Fillers, typically made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. The fillers are strategically injected into the lips to add volume, improve contour, and create a fuller, more youthful look. Lip fillers offer a versatile solution, allowing patients to achieve various outcomes, from subtle tweaks to more dramatic transformations. Whether you desire fuller lips, a more defined lip border, or a balanced smile, lip fillers can help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals with minimal downtime and natural-looking results.


Actual Botox Patient Before Treatment
Actual Botox Patient After Treatment


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What are the Benefits of Lip Fillers?

Lip Fillers in Tampa offer numerous benefits for those seeking to enhance their lips and achieve a more attractive look. They offer incredible results such as:

  • Increased Lip Volume
  • Enhanced Lip Shape
  • Smoothing of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Customizable Treatment
  • Quick and Convenient Procedure
  • Temporary Results (about 6 months)

Who are the Best Candidates for Lip Fillers?

Lip Fillers in Tampa, FL, are suitable for many individuals. The best candidates for lip fillers include patients with:

  • Thin or Flat Lips
  • Uneven or Asymmetrical Lips
  • Aging Lips
  • A desire for Enhanced Lips
  • Overall Facial Harmony
  • Realistic Expectations
  • Good Health

What’s the First Step?

The first step towards getting Lip Fillers in Tampa is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bhat at Ravive Plastic Surgery. During this initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations for the procedure. Dr. Bhat will evaluate your lips and facial features, taking into consideration your facial anatomy and lip structure. She will also review your medical history to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Dr. Bhat will then provide you with detailed information about the treatment, including the type of filler that will be used, the amount needed, and the anticipated outcome.

Once you have both discussed and agreed upon the treatment plan, you can schedule your Lip Filler appointment, or we can get started right away.

What to Expect on the Day of Lip Fillers

On the day of your Lip Filler appointment with Dr. Bhat in Tampa, FL, you can expect a comfortable and efficient experience. To ensure your comfort during the procedure, a topical numbing cream or a local anesthetic will be applied to your lips. This helps minimize any potential discomfort during the injections.

Once your lips are adequately numbed, Dr. Bhat will carefully administer the chosen Lip Filler injections. Her skill and experience will ensure that the injections are precise and that the filler is distributed evenly for a beautifully enhanced appearance. Her expertise in Lip Fillers and her artistic eye will guide her in using precise techniques and strategic placement to achieve the natural-looking and proportionate results you’ve always wanted.

Lip Fillers Recovery

After receiving Lip Fillers with Dr. Bhat in Tampa, FL, you can expect some temporary side effects, such as mild swelling, tenderness, and bruising in the treated area. To promote healing and decrease swelling, you may apply ice packs and it is recommended to avoid touching or rubbing your lips. It is also important to avoid strenuous activities, sun exposure, hot temperatures, and hot or spicy foods during the initial days after the procedure.

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How Much Do Lip Fillers Cost in Tampa, FL?

Dermal fillers, including lip filler, at Ravive Plastic Surgery & MedSpa in Tampa, FL ranges from $700 to $800 per syringe. The final cost depends on factors such as the type of filler used, the amount required to achieve the desired results, and any additional areas treated. For an accurate pricing estimate, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bhat. During your consultation, our patient coordinator will provide a detailed quote tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Why Choose Dr. Bhat?

Dr. Bhat’s extensive training and experience in filler technique allow her to possess the expertise and skill necessary to deliver the most stunning, natural-looking, beautiful results in Tampa. Dr. Bhat is known for her meticulous approach and attention to detail, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs and aesthetic goals. Ultimately, choosing Dr. Bhat and Ravive Plastic Surgery means choosing a skilled and caring professional who prioritizes your well-being and strives to help you achieve the beautiful lips you desire.

Schedule Your Consultation

Say hello to plumper, more kissable lips with the magic of lip fillers! Whether you are looking to enhance your lips subtly or achieve a more dramatic transformation, Dr. Bhat in Tampa, FL, is the one for the task. Call us today to schedule your consultation, and let’s unleash your inner lip beauty to Tampa and beyond.

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