Woman in shade wearing black dress - Facial Fat Grafting

Introduction to Facial Fat Grafting

As part of the natural aging process, we all lose volume in our faces. If you’ve ever carefully studied a youthful-looking face, you will notice that they have fullness in all of the right places. Don’t we all wish there was a realm where we could “add a little here and there” when it comes to the concaves of our faces? Well, in the realm of cosmetic procedures, there is one name that stands out in Tampa that can make this possible, and that is Dr. Deepa Bhat. With her exceptional skills and dedication to patient satisfaction, Dr. Bhat is passionate about not just the results, but also the art of Fat Grafting at Ravive Plastic Surgery. Through this transformative procedure, she harnesses the body’s resources to create natural and stunning results.

From sculpting facial features to enhancing your look, Dr. Bhat’s expertise in Fat Grafting has changed the lives of countless individuals seeking a more rejuvenated and refreshed appearance in Florida. Get ready to embark on a personalized journey where artistry meets science, and your dreams become a reality. Let’s dive more into the world of Facial Fat Grafting and explore how this innovative procedure can help you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

What is Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial Fat Grafting, also known as Fat Transfer or Fat Injection, is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure offered at Ravive Plastic Surgery in Tampa. It involves the careful harvesting of excess fat from one part of your body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and strategically injecting it into specific areas of your face to restore volume, improve contours, and rejuvenate your overall appearance.

Facial Fat Grafting can address a variety of concerns, including sunken cheeks, hollow under-eye areas, thin lips, and deep facial lines. By utilizing your body’s natural resources, this procedure offers long-lasting and natural-looking results.

Brunette in pool with hands on face - Facial Fat Grafting

What are the Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial Fat Grafting offers an array of benefits for our Tampa patients, such as:

  • Natural and Long-lasting Results
  • Improved Facial Volume and Contours
  • No need for regular synthetic filler appointments
  • Improved Confidence
  • Minimally Invasive Procedure
  • Versatility and Customization

By choosing Facial Fat Grafting with Dr. Deepa Bhat, you can enjoy natural, long-lasting results and a rejuvenated facial appearance that reflects your true beauty.

Who are the Best Candidates for Facial Fat Grafting?

The ideal candidates for this facial fat grafting in Tampa are individuals who wish to enhance the appearance of their facial features. Dr. Bhat believes the following characteristics make you a prime candidate for Fat Grafting:

  • The Desire for Natural-Looking Results
  • Volume Enhancement Needs
  • Correction of Contour Irregularities
  • Long-Lasting Solution for Facial Aging
  • Preference for Natural Fillers
  • Availability of Donor Fat
  • Overall Health and Realistic Expectations

What’s the First Step?

The first step in undergoing Facial Fat Grafting with Dr. Deepa Bhat in Tampa, FL, is to schedule a consultation at our clinic. During this appointment, Dr. Bhat will assess your specific needs, discuss your aesthetic goals, and create a personalized treatment plan. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, address any concerns, and gain a clear understanding of the procedure.

Once you decide to proceed, our team will assist you in scheduling the procedure at a convenient time. Contact our clinic today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving your desired aesthetic results with Facial Fat Grafting in Florida.

What to Expect on the Day of Facial Fat Grafting

During your Facial Fat Grafting procedure in Tampa, you will receive local anesthesia and sedation for comfort. Fat will be harvested from donor areas and processed before being strategically injected into targeted areas of your face using a very fine needle.

The procedure typically takes a few hours, and afterward, you will be monitored in the recovery area. Some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are normal but can be managed with medication. Dr. Bhat will provide post-operative instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.

Facial Fat Grafting Recovery

After your Facial Fat Grafting procedure with Dr. Bhat in Tampa, it’s important to take proper care during the recovery period to optimize your results. You can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in both the donor and recipient areas, which will gradually subside over time. Dr. Bhat will provide specific instructions on how to care for your incisions, manage any discomfort, and promote healing.

You may need to limit certain activities and avoid excessive sun exposure during the initial healing phase. The full recovery period can vary from patient to patient, but most individuals can resume their regular activities within a few weeks.

Close up of woman standing against the wall - Facial Fat Grafting
Silhouette of palms

How Much Does Facial Fat Grafting Cost in Tampa, FL?

The average cost of facial fat grafting in Tampa Bay, FL typically starts at $2,500 and can reach up to $7,000. Various factors, including anesthesia fees and the extent of the procedure, can influence the final price. For an accurate cost estimate, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bhat, where our patient coordinator will provide a detailed quote tailored to your individual requirements.

Why Choose Dr. Bhat?

When it comes to the procedure of Facial Fat Grafting, selecting the right surgeon is paramount in achieving safe and satisfying results. Look no further than Dr. Deepa Bhat of Ravive Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL. Dr. Bhat is a top choice in the Tampa Bay area for multiple reasons. Not only does she possess exceptional skill in performing Facial Fat Grafting with artistic precision, but she is also fellowship-trained in aesthetic procedures. This accolade is bestowed only to those who have done an additional year of training in exclusively cosmetic procedures after their seven years of training and completion of a plastic surgery residency, making Dr. Bhat one of the few aesthetic plastic surgeons in Florida to hold this esteemed title. While in fellowship, Dr. Bhat trained extensively on facial fat grafting with world-renowned masters in plastic surgery and carries these skills with her to serve her Tampa Bay patients.

Her unwavering commitment to delivering personalized care ensures that she takes the time to understand each patient’s unique goals and concerns, tailoring a customized treatment plan accordingly. Dr. Bhat’s warm and compassionate approach creates a comforting environment where patients feel supported throughout their journey, and her exceptional surgical skills have earned her a remarkable reputation in Tampa as she consistently prioritizes patient well-being and strives for the most natural-looking and beautiful results on the Gulf Coast.

Schedule Your Consultation

Say goodbye to artificial fillers and hello to a more youthful and harmonious facial appearance with the power of Facial Fat Grafting. Call us today at Ravive Plastic Surgery to book your consultation so we can get started on the future you; we can’t wait to meet you!

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